Ann and I been exploring the routine Feeling over the past four or five weeks, a brilliant movement experience that focuses upon the Three Body Weights: the pelvis, the chest and the head. The student feedback we've gotten on Feeling has been wonderful, and I can sense that my body has been profoundly affected by its extraordinary chemistry.
Whenever a routine hits me like this, the curious researcher in me -- the Sensation Scientist -- yearns to to explore why that is. So I dove into studies about the mind-body-emotion-spirit connection as they pertain to these areas of the anatomy. This, in turn, resulted in a Sunday Sacred Athlete class where we moved with the "spirit" energy of each body part: drawing upon the energies of the head (guidance, intuition, vision), the chest (the energy exchanger, the engine of the heart space) and most powerfully, the pelvis. One of my favorite terms that I discovered in my research about the pelvis is that Taoists refer to it as the Cauldron of Desire. It is our body's refinery and generator of, and a central storage space for, creative energy. The importance of nurturing and tapping into this energy cannot be underestimated. And I only know a tiny amount about it. Black Belt Nia instructor Susan Tate knows far more than I do. That's why we're so excited that she' s chosen Move2Center to host a four-hour mini-retreat on Sunday, May 20, that's all about the pelvis. One might think of her workshop, Igniting the Power of the Pelvis and Maintaining the Flame, as an ownership manual for this all-important body part. But its value extends beyond that simple description. In amplifying the power of the pelvis, she writes on her blog, we can make "choices to create a wildly healthy relationship with sex, money, and power is only one option of caring for your body, mind, spirit, & emotions. You are advised to listen to your intuition to see what other joyful activities can be added to your life." Full disclosure: the workshop comes with side effects. Some she lists include "frequent bouts of choosing love over fear," "a refusal to engage in self-rejection or self-sabotaging behaviors," "un-bonding from past wounds" and "a release of anger, guilt, & fear." And those are just a few! Check out the full list by reading her wonderful blog post about the workshop. And by the way, if you've taken this workshop with Susan before, be aware that this is an expanded and upgraded experience with new information, including a full Nia class with choreography designed to seal the experience. Igniting the Power of the Pelvis and Maintaining the Flame takes place from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 20. Register before May 19 to save $10 off the $75 day-of fee by clicking here. --Melanie Comments are closed.
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